Update to COVID Protocols

As we return to campus after winter break, we want to remain vigilant about minimizing the impact of COVID on our campus.  Families and staff have an excellent record of avoiding exposures and maintaining learning standards.  Thank you! 
We await guidance from Sonoma County Office of Education and Sonoma County Department of Public Health regarding the newest guidelines.  We'll continue to communicate updates to our families and post on our website.  West Side's protocols will be be followed and amended as needed.   
Additional protocols as of this week:  
  • Masks may only be removed when students are outside.  Water breaks, mask breaks, snacks, and lunch must take place outside where students can maintain 6' social distancing.  
  • Classroom desks have been rearranged so that social distancing inside is maximized.
Continuing protocols: 
  • Masks must be properly fitted and worn at all times other than water breaks, mask breaks, snacks, and lunch. 
  • Surfaces are sanitized and hands are washed frequently throughout the day.
  • Doors and windows are kept open as much as is practical with weather conditions and HEPA air filtration is running all day.
  • Antigen tests are available in the office for students.  Please bring them at 7:45 for testing if you have a concern about illness or exposure.  
  • Surveillance testing continues every Wednesday.  This is a pooled PCR test.  If you haven't consented for your student to participate, we strongly encourage you do to so.  Here's the link for online consent (Password is BOBCAT). We also have consent in Spanish (no password needed).  If you need a hard copy or have questions on the process, please call or email the office at 433.3923 ext. 10 or [email protected]