Academics » English Language Development

English Language Development

Introduction to the Initial ELPAC for Parents Video

The video “Introduction to the Initial ELPAC for Parents” provides information about the Initial ELPAC including its purpose, an explanation of who takes the test, and a description of how parents and guardians will be notified of their child’s results.

This video is recommended for parents and guardians who want to learn more about the ELPAC.

The Introduction to the Initial ELPAC for Parents video is available in both English and Spanish.

Introduction to the Initial ELPAC for Parents Video: English (Video; 5:51) (Posted 7/23/18)
Introduction to Initial ELPAC for Parents Video: Spanish (Video; 7:08) (Posted 7/23/18)

Spring 2021 ELPAC Administration Information for Parents/Guardians


ELPAC Practice Tests


The Practice Test gives students, parents and families, teachers, administrators, and others an opportunity to become familiar with the types of test questions on the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). It includes examples of all of the types of test questions that may appear in the actual Summative Assessment at each grade or grade span. In an actual test setting, an Examiner’s Manual, a Test Book, and/or an Answer Book are used. The test questions in the Practice Test are reproduced from these test materials.


For more information on ELPAC Testing please go to the Training and Practice Resources on the ELPAC website