Garden Program Update

Garden Program

Kinder met the chickens. They learned how to hold a chicken and feed from their hands.
1st grade's Ms Patty Lettuce is beginning to sprout.
2nd graders got to help complete the last parts. The students learned to level and measure to get the path at the correct hight where the walkway is smooth and not a trip hazard. There is a science to this, and a handy skill to know.Turned out very very nice! See photos.
4th and 5th picked their pumpkins at the patch to take home and also chose pumpkins for 6th graders, and for 3rd. We paused to do some measuring with our pumpkins, comparing them to our head sizes and recalling the differences betweem height, width, circumference, diameter.
6th grade path is finished and beautiful.
Great News!! Wrote and received $1000 grant for our forthcoming bees (smoker, pollinator plants, signage, bee hats, jars for honey etc.) Our bees should be arriving soon.