Parents » Community Resources

Community Resources

West Side is committed to communicating community resources to access available mental health resources (AB 2022, Education Code 49428) and homeless services. (AB27).  The Homeless Liaison is Rima Meechan, Superintendent/Principal.  She can be reached on campus, by phone 707.433.3923 or by email [email protected]. Please contact her for information regarding educational rights and resources available to persons experiencing homelessness.  West Side administers a CDE housing questionnaire to all families annually and when there is a change in living arrangement, and reports to CDE the number of homeless children and unaccompanied youths enrolled in the district.  Required training is administer to district liaison and other appropriate staff at least annually.  
Children may have the right to:
  • Immediate enrollment in the school they last attended or the local school where they are currently staying, even without all the documents normally required at the time of enrollment.  
  • Continue to attend their school of origin, if requested by the parent/guardian and in the best interest of the child.
  • Receive transportation to and from their school origin, the same special programs and services, if needed, as provided to all other children, including free meals and Title I. 
  • Receive the full protections and services provided under all federal and state laws, as it relates to homeless children, youth, and their families.  


AB 889 - Dangers associated with using synthetic drugs. English  Spanish

California Department of Education Mental Health Policy 5141 Friendships and Mental Health 

Looking for Housing?  Sonoma County Coordinated Services can help!  

Regional K-12 Student Mental Health Initiative website: The search feature helps you find useful resources specific to your needs as a teacher, school staff member, or administrator. Mental health staff, parents, caregivers and community members will also find the resources helpful as they work in partnership with schools.
Cerebral Palsy Guide - offers comprehensive resources tailored to assist families navigating the challenges of Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities.