Sant Rosa Zine Fest


Calling all zine lovers: Santa Rosa Zine Fest (#SRZF2024) is back for its fourth year!

Join the Sonoma County Library and the Santa Rosa Zine Collective April 17-20 for a celebration of zines, creativity, art, and community.

From an intro to zines with Luminescent Squid and zine bingo with Jordan Sea at BREW, to live screen printing with P.O.P. (PRINT | ORGANIZE | PROTEST), Zine Fest invites all ages to explore a world of DIY and self-expression.

The week tops off in an all-ages, outdoor festival at the Northwest Santa Rosa Library on Saturday, April 20, 1-5 pm, featuring hands-on workshops, tabling by local artists and organizations, and the Sonoma County Library's BiblioBus! Find out more here.

Join the Fun

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