Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan
Senate Bill 98, approved by Governor Newsom on 6.29.20, made several key changes to accountability requirements for 2020-21. These include the establishment of a new requirement – The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan – that must be adopted by 9.30.20. The West Side plan was approved by the Sonoma County Office of Education and is posted below.
CDE Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan page with FAQs
The California Department of Education (CDE) released the draft template for the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan as well as a comparison of this plan to the LCAP. The draft of West Side's Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan can be accessed below. Public Hearing is scheduled for the September 10, 2020 regular Board Meeting, with approval scheduled for the September 24, 2020 special Board Meeting, along with input from Sonoma County Office of Education, for submission by September 30, 2020.
Following is a summary of the key components included in the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan:
- How COVID-19 impacts students and staff in areas of health and safety, measuring student participation and academic progress through synchronous instruction, measuring the time value of student work, and the metrics to be used to measure learning loss.
- How the district will address learning loss from COVID-19 in the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years.
- How the district will conduct outreach to students and parents/guardians when students are not engaging or are absent.
- Types of additional supports to address the learning loss of, and accelerate learning progress for, English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless Students, and Low Income students.
- Types of professional development support and resources for educators.
- How the district will provide student meals for in-person instruction and distance learning for the school year.
- How the district will align state and federal funding, including supplemental and concentration grants to align with student needs.
- How state and federal funds included in the adopted/revised budget will be used to support the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan, including how Supplemental and Concentration grants, along with federal funds used to backfill losses from reductions to the LCFF on a dollar-to-dollar basis, will be used to meet LCFF disproportionality requirements.